So my choice of words may not be politically correct, but at this point, I'm not sure I care. There were so many retarded people on the road today! I had to use my horn! Now you'd think that someone as easily enraged as I would be a frequent user of the horn. That, in fact, is not the case. No, I am far too lazy to use the horn unless I absolutely have to. And did I have to today. People who have the audacity to drive on the freeway should have the audacity to step on that gas pedal and move faster than 35 mph! I simply do not understand people who drive that slowly on the freeway. It makes no sense. It completely goes against the CONCEPT of the freeway! What are they thinking? Furthermore, you know those lines on the freeway? You're supposed to stay between them! Drifting in and out, weaving to and fro...NOT GOOD. See those big hulking pieces of metal next to you? Those are cars! And in those cars? People! People don't want to get hurt just because you aren't capable of steering your car and or can't multitask (i.e., talk on your cell phone and drive). And guess what? If you can't multitask? Don't! If you lack the ability to talk and drive, then ditch the phone and focus on driving! To all you retarded people: Get. Off. The. Road.

I've got a dilemma. I don't know who reads this site. I know there are SOME people at my school who read this site, but I'm not sure who they are. I really, really want to complain about one specific person. But now I'm thinking...what if they read the site? What if their friends read this site and tell them? The thing is, normally I just make general references to protect people's identity, and it's fine. But the things that annoy me about this person are so specific to them that it makes it difficult to unleash the fury without also revealing who it is. I hate this! I wanna share the wrath, and I can't!

I am trying to upload my resume. The system keeps giving me an error message: "Please make sure there are no special characters in the file path." There aren't any special characters! What part of "resume.doc" is a special character, I ask you? I saved the file so that I know that the entire file path contains no special characters and it still gives me this message. And what's with this discrimination against special characters, anyway? They're just trying to eke out their own meager existence. The last thing they need is some system telling them that they're not wanted. Why the hate? If this stupid system were a person, I would totally kick its ass.