Let's talk about driving in the rain. When it rains, it is not necessary to drive 2 mph. When it rains, it is not safe to drive 80 mph. When it rains, maintain a greater distance between cars because you cannot brake as quickly. Don't drive like a moron and keep your distance! I don't like you; what makes you think I want to be close to you?
No. I don't want Viagra. No. I don't need penile enlargement. For the love of all that is good in this world, leave me alone, spammers!
People who litter suck. What is wrong with them? They go around tossing stuff like cigarettes and scraps out of their car. You know, ashtrays are for cigarettes. And ashtrays are located INSIDE the car. The road? Not an ashtray. Don't they realize that all that stuff, if it doesn't end up in the ocean, stays in the environment, mucking it up? It annoys me so much. Next time, instead of dumping your litter on the road, why don't you dispose of it in an empty container, like your head?
If you refuse to go over 45mph on the freeway, you have no business, and I mean NO BUSINESS, to be in the inside lane. I hate you, whoever you are.
As I was listening to the radio on my way home, this thought occurred to me: If I had a boyfriend, I would have to reconsider the relationship if it turned out he seriously thought that it would be romantic to request a song for me on KOST 103.5 FM. But, if he seriously thought that he could pull at my heartstrings by requesting a song by none other than Michael Bolton, such as, oh, I don't know..."I Said I Loved You...But I Lied"? That's grounds for separation right there.
Samir: You know there's nothing wrong with that name.
Michael Bolton: There was nothing wrong with it... until that no-talent ass clown became famous and started winning Grammys.
Samir: Hmm... well why don't you just go by Mike instead of Michael?
Michael Bolton: No way. Why should I change? He's the one who sucks.
---Office Space

I love California, and I hate to speak badly of my beloved state, but DAMMIT! People need to learn how to drive in the rain! Furthermore, they need to be aware that when it rains, traffic gets bad, and they have to think ahead. Don't try to cut across 4 lanes of traffic when it's raining, dammit! It's already a parking lot, and your stupidity is just making everything worse! ARGH! ARGH! Grrrr. The middle finger is getting restless.
As I was driving home, someone had painted the following on their car's rear window: "So there it is in your hands to destroy. I give you my heart. You'll give me heart ache." How morbid is that? Geez. Could you be more depressing? Talk about a mood deflator. Happy Valentine's Day to you too. And oh yeah, "heartache" is one word. Get a dictionary, party pooper.

So we've been learning in class that when you make a contract with someone, you gotta make sure that the contract is iron-clad. Why? Because if it ain't in the contract, it ain't in the contract, and there is no obligation for the other parties involved to do what you want them to do if you didn't specify it before. So, hypothetically, if you failed to mention that you wanted analyses of all industries versus just one industry in a request, then I really have no obligation to analyze all of them, right? I mean, that's what you wrote! It's not my fault you didn't write down what you meant! Too bad for you! What's that you say? You could fail me? Oh, all right, fine. I'll do it. But I want my objection noted.