Do people actually expect me to shell out $3.23 and 99/100--which, let's face it, should just be rounded up to $3.24--per gallon for the cheapest grade gas? WHAT THE? DAAAAANG!!! I live in Los Angeles!!! I. Have. To. Drive. Long. Distances. To. Pretty. Much. Get. Anywhere! ARRRRGGGHHHH!!!! This is just ridiculous. I don't care how the pricing works. I don't care about transportation costs being high in the oil industry or whatever it was C-Pow was trying to explain to me. I just care that as someone who lives over 35 miles away from where they work, the amount of money I spend a month on gas could buy me three pairs of really nice shoes...or approximately 300 Filet-O-Fish sandwiches (from McDonald's on Fridays). And no, I cannot use public transportation unless I plan on sitting on a bus for four hours every day. I said it once, and I'll say it again. DAAAAANG!!!