Lately, I've been watching some very dramatic teevee. I'm talking about shows with really intense emotional moments where the actors are crying. Well, supposed to be crying. I mean, maybe it's just me, but in my experience, crying usually involves tears. Yes, it also can involve making really scrunched up faces, which a lot of actors have got down pat. But, like I said, tears usually make an appearance. Which brings me to today's rant. Why is it that on so many of these shows, the actors aren't crying any tears? Don't get me wrong, I know that it's difficult to cry on cue. But is it that hard to throw some water on your face before the cameras start rolling? Are you that lazy? I know it can't be money. You're producing these shows and spending tons of money on the set, on special effects, and everything else, but you can't spend a buck fifty to create the illusion that a character is crying? I'm not talking about anything wacky and crazy, like CG'ed tears. I'm talking about water. Eye drops. Really low-tech, cheap stuff. You are completely ruining my viewing experience, my immersion into the fictional world you've tried so hard to create. I'm not asking for much, people. For heaven's sake, I'd settle for watery eyes. Throw me a fricking bone here!
