I don't understand why Yahoo! Messenger for Macintosh has so few features compared to its PC counterpart. So it doesn't have all the features that the PC version has...I understand that there would be a difference...but not a difference of this scale!!! The interface is so lame compared to the PC version! And I think it's pretty clear that Mac users are the type of people who would APPRECIATE a nice interface. AIM and MSN Messenger have been slowly introducing features in newer versions of their messaging software for the Mac, but Y!M for Mac hasn't been updated in YEARS! The new PC version with Voice is like the family member that "made it big" and whose name actually impresses people when you drop it and the Mac version is the like the crazy cousin that no one talks about and pretends doesn't exist. Why are we being marginalized like this? Where's the love, Yahoo!? Where. Is. The. Love?