Okay. Let's talk about restroom behavior. Something very odd is going in the first floor ladies' restroom at school. There is someone out there who thinks that it's cool to put approximately 15 toilet seat covers on the toilet seat. Whoever you are, I would just like you to know that you are mistaken. It's really not that cool. Putting an encyclopedia-thick stack of seat covers on the toilet that obviously cannot be flushed down the toilet when you are done with your business and thus is left behind as some sort of twisted gift for the next occupant of the stall IS NOT COOL. No one wants to see that when they walk into a stall. No one. Furthermore, when I think of the actual logistics of it all, it can't possible be a very effective use of toilet seat covers. Whoever you are, I strongly urge you to stop this behavior immediately. It's gross, and it irks me, which should be reason enough.