GETTING INTO PARKING STRUCTURE D BLOWS. For once, I am at a loss for words. The English language, as rich as it is, simply cannot describe the pain, anguish, and wrath I feel every time I sit in that damnable left turn lane, waiting and waiting. It should be against the law to make a person sit in the left-turn lane for more than 10 minutes. It's just plain un-American! AAAAAARGH! AAAAAARGH!
One of my pet peeves is lack of toilet ettiquette. First of all, it doesn't take a lot of effort to clean up after yourself and make sure the seat and bowl are free from debris. Secondly, it's absolutely disgusting when you don't! What is wrong with people? I mean, you would expect dorm bathrooms to be a little gross (undergrads aren't necessarily known for cleanliness), but you would expect bathrooms in nice school buildings to be clean. Geez.
It really annoys me when I offer people chocolate from one of those assorted gift boxes and they decide to "sample" by taking bites from various pieces and then placing the half-eaten chocolates back in the box. So gross. So rude. If you take a piece and you don't like it, deal with it! One bite is practically half of the whole piece; you might as well just suck it up and eat the entire thing.