I hate studying. It blows.
Note to drivers: If you are confused as to where you are going, PULL OVER! Hey, I understand that sometimes you get lost or get confused when driving, but for heaven's sake, don't stop in the middle of the road! Some of us have places to go, and we know how to get there.
People, making left turns is not that hard! The left turn is all about timing. You have to make sure that you don't get hit by oncoming traffic, and you have to make sure that you don't hit pedestrians crossing the street. At the same time, you have to be aware that there are people behind you in the left turn lane who want to make left turns, so you can't daydream at the light and not pay attention when there are opportunities to turn because if you miss any, each missed opportunity equals one less car that can make the light before the light turns red, and if I happen to be one of the cars behind you, I'll be royally pissed, and THAT, my friend, is not good.