You know, I don't understand why people can't park their cars properly. I don't expect you park perfectly, but do you think you could maybe, oh, I don't know, park between the lines? There are two kinds of parking faux-pas that really annoy me. The first is what I call "little-car-big-space." If you have a little car, then it should be easy for you to park inside the space. Why must you park crookedly so that either the front or the rear of your car is violating the parking space next to yours? Don't you realize that you're taking up valuable space and preventing someone from parking next to you and that that is very rude? I mean, your car is small! It's not as if parking properly would in any way hinder you from getting out of the car or increase the chances of someone hitting your car as they tried to park. On the contrary! The second faux pas is "big-car-little-space." You drive a huge pickup, SUV, or van. And yet you insist on parking in the "compact" space. What is wrong with you? Don't you realize that your car is not compact? Don't you realize that those spaces are for compact cars, hence the word "compact" painted in the space? Don't you realize that there is someone who chose to purchase a compact car (and to do the world a little favor) and that you're taking a space that is rightfully theirs? Geez! Have some respect! If you don't fit, find somewhere else to sit!
