I can't stand overachievers. There's something wrong with them. A couple of days ago, my professor was covering the material that was going to be on the midterm. When he asked if anyone had questions, some doofus raised his hand and asked a question about marginal benefit. Mind you, we haven't covered marginal benefit in class. The professor tried to explain how to do this problem on last year's midterm that had to do with marginal benefit. When he was done, the doofus kept asking more questions about the concept. I was irritated. I mean, we already know that it's not going to be on the test because we haven't covered it. In the time it took for the professor to explain the concept to you, we could have covered something that would actually BE on the test. If you want to go above the call of duty and learn more than what's required, more power to you, but don't take up MY class time, brown-noser. I'm just here to learn the minimum amount of information to get by. Sure, anyone can do well in class if they read more and study more that they are supposed to. The real test of greatness is if you can do well by doing minimal work.
