Since I'm in Los Angeles, where having a car is about as necessary as having legs, it should come as no surprise that my fellow drivers are often a source of ire. Has you ever seen this on the freeway or on the street? Someone is on the inside lane or left-turn only lane when they realize that they have made a mistake and need to exit or make a right turn...basically, they need to be on the outside lane. Instead of getting off on the next exit or just making the left turn and going around, they instead decide to cut across all the other lanes with little or no warning, usually forcing the motorists in the neighboring lanes to brake suddenly. Why do people do that? Why can't they just do the right thing and follow traffic laws? Don't they realize how dangerous this sort of driving is for their fellow motorists? I hate people who do that! Sure, they may be in a hurry, but in that case, they should have been paying attention in the first place! I am all for correcting one's mistakes, but you should do it in safe and legal way! Stupid drivers.
