I'm not a graphic designer by any stretch of the imagination, but that doesn't mean that I can't complain about stuff. I don't like this new trend of fixed backgrounds. It seems like all the kids these days are creating webpages where the backgrounds are fixed, so that when you scroll, only the text moves. The problem I have is not with the concept of fixed backgrounds in itself, but with the implementation. If you're going to do a fixed background, the key thing to remember is that the background is the background. It's supposed to unobtrusive. The background should not be the same color as the text because then you can't read the text! There are a lot of web sites out there right now where I get a headache just trying to read the text because the background is has too many colors and the text is just too hard to distinguish. Just thinking about it makes me ill. I have to take an aspirin and lie down now.