Who are these people who call you, wait for your answering machine to pick up, and then hang up after the tone? Seriously, unless you have been brought up in a developing country, you must have had some experience with answering machines and voicemail. Even if you haven't had experience with them, my answering machine and voicemail greetings always clearly provide directions on how to leave a message. Wait for the tone, then leave your message. It stands to reason that since you have to wait for the tone, the tone indicates the start of recording. If you don't want to leave a message, then hang up before the machine starts recording! You have the entire length of the greeting during which to hang up! It's a gift...Use it. Do you know how annoying it is to go home, see your answering machine flash "4," only to listen to silence and then the sound of someone hanging up? Four times? If you don't, I'll tell you: it's annoying. VERY ANNOYING.