This blog is by an easily irritated and provoked person. The messages and thoughts on this blog do not reflect the views of the blogger when she is in a calm, rational state. And no, it is not "that time of the month," you sexist pig.


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Thursday, May 15, 2003
It drives me nuts when perfectly healthy people ask me to carry heavy stuff for them. There are many words that could be used to describe me, but none of them include burly, well-muscled, or strong. I know plenty of healthy males who are at least a foot taller than me and can easily carry heavy boxes and equipment, but no, when they need something, they look at me and ask me to bring it to them. I'm not freaking UPS; I don't do deliveries! Once someone asked me to bring a computer to their office. I would have had to walk to another building, get a wheelcart, load the PC onto the cart, wheel the PC over to their office, return the wheelcart, and walk back to my building. I was all cold fury and decided to put the request on the "back burner," i.e. ignore it. Lo and behold, he got tired of waiting and got the PC himself. Being a strong guy, he was able to carry the PC in his arms without the aid of cart. It's always completely capable people like this that make these inane requests. It really, really ticks me off.

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